St. Peter’s Episcopal Church provides for a great range of needs including Sunday school, adult education, stewardship, and community outreach programs. Various groups in the community use the Parish House for meetings and events, including AA & NA.


Acolytes, Sacristans, and Lectors are valuable servants at worship services.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers serve chalice at the altar during the Mass. Lay Eucharistic Visitors take the Sacrament to those who are sick or home-bound, thereby extending the Communion rail into the community. Both are trained by the clergy and licensed by the bishop.

Mothers’ Guild works to further the kingdom of God by uniting the women of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in spiritual fellowship. It raises money needed for many different projects as well as the maintenance of the Parish by organizing ten gift auctions throughout the year, arranging recreational trips, serving and preparing food for the pancake breakfast and working with the Parish Council during the Fish Fry and Fashion Show.

Parish Council focuses on effective communication among the various ministries, bringing parishioners and others together for a variety of activities to promote fellowship and assists the Mothers’ Guild with fundraising.

Saint Anne’s Altar Guild care for the sacred vessels, vestments, and hangings that grace the altar and church. Ministering under the guidance of the rector, they ensure that the altar is always supplied with the accoutrements required for Communion, Baptism, Holy Matrimony, Funerals, and other special services. They rotate responsibilities throughout the year and meet monthly with clergy to plan future services.

Sunday School Teachers instruct the young children and teens of our parish about the Word of God, they minister to them by involving them in praise and worship opportunities, they encourage the children to help others outside of the church and lead by example so that our young children and teens have a model of what it means to be a Christian.

Ushers and Greeters welcome all people to the church on Sundays, hand out bulletins, assist with seating, help with special needs, provide information, and orient visitors and newcomers.